Hot drinks! Not only can we finnaly snuggle up with a hot beverage, but we get to drink them out of special Christmas cups! Eeee!
Nativity scene. I love them! I have about 4 or 5, but this one is special because it reminds me of my mom's nativity scene.
Poinsettas! These were always around our house growing up, as Im sure they were around many people's houses growing up, and this year, Matt bought me one for a surprise! Love it!
Lights! What more is there to say?!
Woo hoo! What takes up the entire free space of your guarage/cubby hole/attic? Christmas decorations!
Christmas tree! This year is the first year we don't have a real one, but we still decorated the crap out of it! The theme is Noriegan. (You know, scandanavian. . . I have no idea how to spell. Sorry mom. I know you are cringing.)
Wall hanging! I don't know, I just like this thing. Wall hangings, wreaths, everything accounts as this.
Last but not least, LOVE! Christmas is all about love, so share it with everyone!!!