Saturday, January 29, 2011

God help me. Give me guidence

I have been back and forth for years, seiriously,years, about what to do for a profession. I have been back and forth dozens of times between teaching and nursing, it makes me dizzy.
It makes me even more sick to think that in just 2 short years, my little sis, the one who is almost 10 years younger than I am, will be going to college to get a profession. It would really make me sick to think that she would get it figured out before I do.
(don't get me wrong, bec, full steam ahead for you. I am the one who needs to get my butt in gear.)
When I am thinking of things, I think of the very best of it, and then once I start doing it, I think the very worst of it.
Teaching, for example.
Pros: kids are great. They are funny, cute, and little. (I seriously am envisioning the kids from Barney or something.) They will listen to everything I have to say, and I will make such a huge impact on their lives, they will come back when they are 18 and thank me for being a turning point in their lives.
Plus, you get summers, weekends, and holidays off!
Neg: Kids, for the most part, are NOT cute, NOT polite, and DO NOT pay attention.You either have the kids who simply dont care, or you have the wildly disruptive kids that you just want to say, "seriously, YOU were conceived for what reason?" Plus, the parents are a whole different animal all together.
"Why isn't Johnny reading up to par? You must be doing your job wrong. . . wah wah wah."
Plus, teachers don't actually get off weekends and holidays. They have to use that time to grade papaers, come up with new lesson plans, ect.
This is all considering that I will have a job once I graduate. Teacher jobs don't exactlly grow on trees, you know.

This, I have been struggling with since 17. (8 years latter, and still, who'd have thought?)
Pros: can work whatever I want practaclly wherever I want. HUGE right now, considering 10 % of America is out of work.
I would get paid really really good. Could finnaly be independent.
Could travel, move, anywhere, and still be able to get a job.
Cons: Eeew. I do NOT like bodilly fluids. They are just icky. You should be responsible for your own. Period. Luckly, I think CNAs do this work, so I can't really use this as an excuse.
The biggest con is school. I don't know for sure if I will ever get in to the program. I tried to sit down and study for an online class, and I had to look up words, and then had to look up words in the definition. It was very frustrating.
I don't know what to do!
I feel like I am just wasting time, but don't know what to do about it. I can't quit my job and go to school. What if I don't get in? Then I would be jobless for no reason. I would just me a jobless, unaccepted student with no direction.
Help, Lord! I need it badly.