Thursday, April 30, 2009

Things that will make you happy

Ok, so I don't know how to post videos like other people on blogs, but here are some way fun things to watch on youtube!
1. No life without wife - makes your day uber great if you have a boy who is being stupid.

2. Just can't wait to be King - I watched that movie every day for a year - you did too, dont deny it!

3. Go to a bookstore and pick up a copy of "Bottoms up". It is by the same guy who wrote the "blue day book", but it is better.

Another book worth checking out is a book called "Dog". It has little slide outs, and even a dog that pees! Sooooo funny. (They have it at target (:

Here is the fun! Have a good time!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

i live in a cave

So, being a busy twenty-something year old, I do not watch the news as I regularly should. I watch my dvds of Girls Next Door, The Tudors, or just spend my time reading.
We do infact have cable, but there is so much junk on tv that I don't waste my time trying to watch or find something to watch on it.
So, it came as a shock to me when people were talking about the "swine epedemic" at work today. I asked what they were talking about, and they were like, "do you live in a cave? Where have you been?! Its been all over the news!"
Well, I must either live in a cave or be reeeeeeeeeeealy busy because I had no idea what they were talking about.
As it turns out, there is a flu going around that people are getting panicky about. Yes, hundreds may have died, but were they healthy? Old? Already sick?
It seems like we have a decent armogedon scare every coulple of years where a new virus is found, and people think it will wipe out humanity.
First it was the bird flu.
Then west nile virus.
ok, just kidding on the last part, but seriously, new straines are descovered all the time. We can't keep getting worked up over all of them!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Missing Camera!

Ok, so my parents came down this weekend to help me redo the bathroom. It looks awsome so far! We only have the light green paint up, so I still have to find a stincil and stincil around some vines in a darker green color. No one can hardly tell it is green. Everyone still thinks it's white but me! I think once I get the border up, it will really be a cool, calming bathroom. :P
My mom and I also trimmed my rose bushes, (half of which were dead,) and they look alot better! Not so gangly anymore.
However, all of this is irrelivent because I can't find my camera! I know it is here somewhere, but since I cleaned, I can't find anything!
I had pics of the bathroom and the new/improved roses.
Promise to post on a latter blog.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Frustration at 6am

Yes, it is 6am. I have been up since 5am. For those of you, that is still night time. One should be sleeping. Was I? No. I was letting Matt's stupid dog out because he refused to get out of bed, or even acknoledge he heard the dumb thing.
When I went out of our bedroom to let him out, the mutt was holding something in his mouth. What was it?
MY water bottle from my water bottle holder that I had just gotten from REI. I was so mad, I spanked him, sent him out side, and huffed back up to bed.
Did my husband ask me what was wrong?
And belive me, he could definitly hear me. It is not that big of a house.
So, I was really mad, breathing heavily, and after a couple of minnutes, Matt goes, "ack, ack," (you know, when a child doesn't get his way?) and asks, "can't you be quiet??"
Ok, if there are any men reading this, never ask this if you know your wife is upset.
I told him "Your dog chewed up my water bottle thing!'
Did I get sympathy?
I see a reocurring pattern here.
He said that I knew better and shouldn't have left it on the floor.
HIS dog did something, and I get blamed for it.
So, I tried to go back to sleep, (at this time, it is still 5 freaking thirty,) but I was so mad, (and still am,) that I decided to get up.
Only then did I realize that our dog didn't stop at my poor waterbottle. He got into our T.P. supply, chewed that all up, and it was laying all over the living room like snow on christmas.
I refuse to clean that up.
I hate that dog, and what's worse?
He's making me get rid of my dog because he is submissive.
That makes since.
If anyone wants a golden retirever, please, let me know.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Walpaper Medly

My parents come down on Fri., and we decided that we would redo the bathroom. It is a little, white bathroom with a rose border. After carful consideration, we are going to paint it a light green with a dark green vine stencil around the top. Yay green~!!!
However, before they get here, it was required that the walpaper border was torn down, and the bathroom was paint-ready.
WHAT A PAIN!!! those of you who are up for doing a room, NEVER put ANY wall paper up EVER!!!
It took all night, (Matt helped, then it went faster,) and I have no fingernails left!!! AHHHH!!!!
It is ready!
However, I am now left with a very boring, blindingly white bathroom till Saturday. Boo. How boring.


So, after a helpful suggestion from my dearest friend, Heather, I have decided to post something that I am proud that I have done every day. Something that I took a risk or innitiative on. Those of you who know me, this is a big step! It will help me be more coragious!!! Hurrah!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Don't watch this if you have a "comfy" zone

Matt and I just watched "Yes Man" with Jim Carry. It was ok, but it was one of those movies that make you wonder if you are really living life to the fullest, and make you feel sad if you are not. I was the latter part. I got really moody. Poor Matt had to deal with me after that.

why on your days off?

Why on your days off is it never restful? It seems like those are the days that your dogs will not let you go back to sleep. Or you have so much shit to do, it doesn't even seem like a day off at all. Or so much stress, that you just want to go back to work, and have everything in order again. (not that things are ever in order at work, but atleast you don't have everything on the line there.
Just stressful.
I hate being like this, b/c this is when I miss home the most. I called my mom, whined, and after a "I hope your day goes better," I hung up still feeling smug.
To add to the wonders of the day, Matt wants to give my dog back.
We had him as a puppy, then gave him to our parents b/c matt didn't like him. Well, I really missed him, so we decided to try it again. Nope. No luck. How come it is ok for me to give up my dog b/c he hates it, but he wont give up his dog when I hate it? I love him dearly, but with dogs, we just don't see eye to eye.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Congragulations Lisa!!!

So, my little sis, aspiring to be me, (j/k) has gotten into the nursing program!!! Well done!!
For all of you who live in my home town, be sure to give her a hug and a congrats for me. She worked really hard to get in, and now she will have to work really hard to get out, but I have so much faith in her, its ridiculous. Yay Lisa! Way to stick with it and prove that you can do it by working your butt off!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Life plan

Ok, for those of you who have been with me through my crazy self-identification process, here it goes:
In one year, Matt will be done with school. Graduated, thank you very much!!!
In that time, I can start looking for a job as an exercise instructor. (pump those arms, ladies!!!)
I will work that for 1-2 years, then start trying to have a baby.
Then, while I am prego, I will get my spanish/teaching degree and be an ESL teacher.
When the kid is old enough to go back to school, that is when I will start work again too.
I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE MY LITTLE BABY ALONE!!! So, I will wait till they are old enough to go to school, and that is when I will be gone too. We will be home at the exact same time, so it will be perfect b/c I wont miss out on anything!!!
Watch God throw a stick in the plan and knock me up now.
har har har. . . .

Friday, April 3, 2009

My cutie fruity!!!

So when we were in Vegas, they had all these cute little desserts for us. One of Matt's favorites was these little fruit tarts. They are a mini pie cruts, filled with vanilla pudding, and topped with fruit. I was essentially board yesterday, so I decided to brave the difficult and try them!!!

What do you think? Cute, huh? They were so good, so cute, and Matt was so suprised when he got home from school.

The new me~!

Well, I dyed my hair! Here is my last day as a blond. *snif* Im going to miss those days.

Tada! Here is my new improved hair! Actually, it is just my normal, "natural" hair color.

Everything went ok except the hairdresser kept trying to de-ear me. I told him I had some earings in the top of my ear, and he said, ok, Ill watch out for them. Ha. Yeah right.



What do you think?

(If I don't get any responses, Im going to feel ugly. :(