Saturday, June 27, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Somebody, give me a direction

I believe that the Lord will give me a direction and a purpose in life, but I can't help but wonder what it will be, and will it be soon?
I have worked the same job now for eight years. I am comfortable there. But I always want to expand myself in some way.
Sometimes, I want to be an ESL teacher, so I study spanish hard for mabye a month, and then my ambition dissapears. I don't know what happens, but I suddenly am unmotivated.
Next, I wanted to be a physical instructor. I worked out, running every day, but that quickly got old as well.
Now, I just have no goals, no ambitions of what I want to do, and THAT is frustrating me.
I really like to have a goal, something to aim for, to give me hope.
Reading my diary the other night, I am amazed that just a few years ago, I wanted to travel the world, be in the peace core, and do all this crazy shit that I can't even imagine doing now.
I couldn't even do our Church's trip to Mexico for a week to build a house for a poor family. Forget about traveling the golbe, man!!! I'll stay home with my dog, cooking bannana bread, thank you very much!
I still would love to help people, but it seems the older I get, the more jaded I think people are. Harsh lessons in life, man. I really like to see the good in people, and with everyone I KNOW, I always view them for their best, but if a compleate stranger was walking towards me, I would think, eek! don't bother me!
I totally freak out, and assume the worst.
I am having trouble identifying what would be a good fit. I want a career, not just a job. I want something I am passonite about, something that I won't be ashamed of saying that I do for a living.
Help me, God, show me the light.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

At the lake

Yesterday was so much fun!!!
Matt and I both had the day off, so we went and did a whole lot of fun-ness!
When we first got up, my parents were still there, so Matt made omletts for fathers day. Then I gave dad his present, (coffee, thermos, and a picture flip thingy,)and they left shortly after.
Dad loved his present, but he wanted to get home to buy his own. An ATV!!!! Congratulations dad!!!
After they left, Matt and I loaded Squirt and Kody up, and took them down to the lake. It was so beautiful! It was overcast, so it wasn't too hot, and the flowers were blooming, no one was out because of the overlying threat of rain clouds, so we had the whole lake to ourselves. \
Kody tried to get some prarie dogs, but failed miserably.
I wouldn't let Squirt go, because he is the exact size of a prarie dog, and I don't know who would come out victorious; Squirt or the prarie dog. :)
After we got home, we went to a huge garden center that had so many cool statues, huge baskets of flowers, and plants, I wanted to stay there forever!!! Get my O2 on!!!
It was one of the best days here so far; a day of exploring and discovering, all with people and pets that I love.
Enjoy the video of our day!!!
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Love Story

mini meltdown, just not yet

Starting tomarrow, I will have 7 extra people in my house. AHHHH!!!!
Matt's dad, stepmom, and three brothers are comming down tomarrow, and then my mom and Becca are comming down Friday. EEEK!!!
And I have to feed all of them!!!
I was goign to make just some soup, but after I called and talked with his stepmom, she said that they would eat in Eagle, and then pick up more sandwiches to have at dinner!!!
Geeze, boys are pigs!
Mabye not, but they sure do eat alot more than girls!!!
I will be like the wicked old witch in Hanzel and Grettle; Glaring at all the kids while they eat me out of house and home.
Atleast they are bringing some stuff, both my mom and his parents.
Wish me luck, and send me your prayers!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

My run in with the law

Ok, settle down. It isn''t as bad as you think. But I did runaway from a PD!!!
I was taking my two dogs for a walk to our neighborhood park. At the park, there is a dirt path that circles around an elevated basketball court.
I usually let my dogs go here. I can see if there is other people, dogs, ect., and since there wasn't anyone around, I let them go. I was walking after them, and I hear a truck come up behind me. It was one of the park matanince trucks. I really didn't think anything of it, but then he started to follow me up the hill to the basket ball court, where my dogs were waiting for me.
Once I got on top of the basketball court, he turned around, and promptly left.
Riiight. Ok, whatever. Weirdo.
I am running around with my dogs, having a good ol time, then, . . . not five minnutes latter, a police car pulls up.
Since I am the only one here, and it is illegal for a dog to be off leash, the only assumption left was he was there for yours truly.
He sat there, watching and waiting.
Inturuption for just a minnute.
The park that I was at, from the front, it only looks like you can come up and down one way. The dirt path goes up to the court, and all else is surrounded by tall grass and weeds.
However, what I knew and the cop did not, that is if you trace along the fenced in park, there is a back way that exits out onto the street.
I took the dogs down that path, and man, I was running!!!
I heard seirnes behind me and I speed up.
I darted up the closest side streets, and ran all the way to my house.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is my reble story.