For those of you who don't know, 6th street is, like, THE place to be. It is where all the cool shops are,all the bars are, and where all the live bands play. So when we moved here, we HAD to go down!
I got in my hippie glammor, and went down town to party!
But first, we had to walk a few blocks.
Or 12.
Or 15.
At one point, a bum helped us out.
Ok, we made it! We were "on the strip. Every bar we passed, there were bouncers urging us in.
"No cover!"
"$2 drinks!"
There were tons of either hookers, or college students who just like to show their ass. . . ets. Yes, there assets. In tight, strappless, leather dresses that have a danger of exploding off if they turn the wrong way.
As we were walking down, I asked Matt which bar he wanted to go into.
"That one looks fun!" He said, and pointed to one across the street.
It did look pretty amusing. The band was playing a funky tune, and the lead singer had a pink boa around his neck.
Heck. Why not.
So we crossed the street, showed the bouncer our IDs, and went in. I went to get a spot so we could see the band, and matt got us drinks. While I was waiting, two guys went up to the front of the stage and started dancing; with eachother. It then hit me that we were probobly in a gay bar. Riiiiight. Nice choice, babe.
Well, when Matt came up with my beer, he said, "I think this is a gay bar! This guy kept "bumping" into me, I had to tell him to knock it off!!!"
It is very difficult to be sympathetic while you are laughing that hard.
After we finnished our beers, we headed to another bar down the street.
We just caught the end of the show, but the main guitar guy's beard/gotee could have stood on its own! It looked like a white stump comming out of his chin. WEIRD.
They were pretty good! We stayed till the end of the show, and then stayed while the next band set up and played a few tunes.
By that time, the alchahol, walking, and loud music got to me.
"Im ready to go if you are." I said, and we treaked our long walk back to the car.