Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I finally went home for the weekend. And get this: I drove myself! Thats right. Me. Never even drove half way, drove myself. I was just so sick and tiered of being away from my family and my friend (the whole one I have back in GJ) that I just told Matt that if it was good weather, I was going. And the weather couldn't have been better. I think God was watching over me, because I really needed to go home. I was so homesick. But now, things look better, and I think going home and getting comfy in my roots helped me alot. I don't know how you explain it.
When you go home, you just get a feeling of protection. Like when you get home from school, and you don't have to pretend anymore. You can just let your hair down and laugh when something is funny, be a bitch when you are grumpy, and sleep in without a dog whining in your ear!
Poor Squirt didn't want to come home! I told my mom if she wanted, I could leave him at her house till thanksgiving, but she said that he was my dog, and I would be lonely if I left him. I would have been, but poor squirt! It is so obvious that he liked being home! His tail was wagging non-stop, playing with Smokey, a dog that is actually his size, and my whole family loved him.

Guess what I did when I was home though? Canned Apple sauce! It was awsome. That is my favorite part of fall. Mom let me bring home two jars of it, so we can have homade apple sauce this winter.
It was so funny when I got out of my car. Lisa and Becca were both pulling weeds out front, then Becca looks up, she didn't smile, she just looked dumfounded. Then Lisa looked up, Squeeled "Hey!" and they both ran over. They were like, "when did you get here, where is matt, blah blah blah" Then we went inside where mom was talking on the phone, and she saw me, had the same, "I don't believe it" looks, and said, "Mom, I gotta go" hung up the phone, and gave me a hug. It was the best hug in the world.

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