Sunday, June 21, 2009

At the lake

Yesterday was so much fun!!!
Matt and I both had the day off, so we went and did a whole lot of fun-ness!
When we first got up, my parents were still there, so Matt made omletts for fathers day. Then I gave dad his present, (coffee, thermos, and a picture flip thingy,)and they left shortly after.
Dad loved his present, but he wanted to get home to buy his own. An ATV!!!! Congratulations dad!!!
After they left, Matt and I loaded Squirt and Kody up, and took them down to the lake. It was so beautiful! It was overcast, so it wasn't too hot, and the flowers were blooming, no one was out because of the overlying threat of rain clouds, so we had the whole lake to ourselves. \
Kody tried to get some prarie dogs, but failed miserably.
I wouldn't let Squirt go, because he is the exact size of a prarie dog, and I don't know who would come out victorious; Squirt or the prarie dog. :)
After we got home, we went to a huge garden center that had so many cool statues, huge baskets of flowers, and plants, I wanted to stay there forever!!! Get my O2 on!!!
It was one of the best days here so far; a day of exploring and discovering, all with people and pets that I love.
Enjoy the video of our day!!!
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1 comment:

Heather In Progress said...

That sounds like a lovely day! And I just love all your little online "photo albums!"