Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fairy Tales

So, I just got done reading a book called "The twelve dancing princesses". It was fantastic. Not only did I enjoy reading a famliar fairy tale, (it was nice that the author made it 300 pages to make me feel like a grown up,) but it renewed my hope for goodness in the world.
Perhaps this is taking it a bit far, but as I read it, all the characters had such raw emotion, that it just seemed so real. What the characters were feeling, I could sympathize with them and understand WHY they felt that way. Their troubles were real troubles, their worries, real things to worry about. And the way that the author described their physical attributes, amazing. It made me think they were at one time real people.
If anyone knows the story, you know that the princesses are trapped by an enchantment to go undergound every night, and dance for an evil prince. That is why their dancing slippers get worn through, and that is what provokes the main mystery. The author does a great job portraying how tiered they look. I mean, they look retched. He doesn't pay them the honor of being beautiful AND droopy eyed. Nope. They are exausted girls who have the burden of a secret.
That is what I loved. The realness in a fairytale.

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