Saturday, May 30, 2009


I hate my job!!!! I hate the people, I hate the customers, I hate Target!!!!!
Most of the people there listen to me, and tell me Im a really good boss, but there are, like, three people who make working there a living Hell.
They just sit around and complain about work, complain about each other, and when I try to get them to work, they complain about me!!! It does no good talking to them or writing them up, because all they do is whine, argue, and complain, and then they are back to where they were before. So, I ask myself: Is it really worth it to get them in trouble, when they just resort back to the same old thing??? NO!
Especially since my store doesn't fire anybody, and everyone there gets, like, a zillion and a half chances!!!
It just makes me feel crappy because I cant control these few people. Although they are 1/16th of the people who I am in charge of, they make me feel like a horrible boss and a looser.
I have to remind myself of all the good things outside of work. Matt, outdoors, Squirt, Heather, Sisters, Mom, Dad, . . . .
But lately, one person inparticular has been driving me nuts!!!
The boss asked as a favor if I could switch my schedual around, (someone quit) and I think I will just so I have the least needed contact with this girl!!!!
Stupid whore.
Shes just one person, making my day feel like crap.

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