Sunday, August 1, 2010

To all that I've accomplished, I give thanks to God

More times than not, I look at what I DON'T have in life instead of what I do have. Tonight, After some dinner with neighbors, the father and his 4 year old daughter took Matt and I to go downtown and watch the bats come out.
There is a bridge downtown that the engineer accedenilly made into a perfect habitat for bats. You see, the crevices that are used for the bridge design are perfect for bat habitats. So at dusk, you see thousands and millions of bats fly out. It really is a sight to behold.
After we got back, and got ready for bed, I started thinking about how great everything is.
I have done everything that I had set out to do.
I have gone to England with my sister the year
I graduated college. That was a fantastic trip. I saw everything I have ever wanted to see and more. Plus, who better to understand me and my travel woes than a sister?
I got married.
I remember stressing out so bad when I was 16 because so many girls were dating, and I wasn't, and I was so afraid that I would end up an old maid and no one would ever marry me. (That I wanted at least!) Now, I am about to celebrate my 2 year aniversery this September!
I moved down to Texas
It was one of those goals that you want to do, but really don't think you ever will. My cousin's wife is from down here, and quite a few celebrities, and all you ever hear is good things about Texas, so for a while, I wanted to live down here. I know that God was really helping me out on this one, because we wouldn't have moved down here if it wern't the only place that offered Matt a job. And out of the 5 interviews that he had, (one of which he worked for the previous Summer,) this is the one he got. We HAD to move. I know I wouldn't have gotten Matt down here any other way, so I know this was God working his magic, helping me fulfill one of my dreams. Now, Texas hasn't been how I have imagined it, but I have never done so much in my life. Because we know we are only going to be here for a year, we are snatching up everything that Texas has to offer. We have hiked in 100 degree weather while it is humid, (mabye 50 percent?) went to some GREAT mexican resturants, watched bats come out in the middle of downtown, and swam in the river with my puppies. Last night, we even went to a place called "The Alamo". It is a movie theatre where you can order food and drinks while you watch a 3-d movie. It was so cool.
Something to try when down here: fried pickles. Delicious.
We are truely "Carpe Diem" or "Seizing the day" while we are here. Tomarrow, I am going to a museum, and then in a couple weeks, we are going tubing.
God has truely blessed me with many wonderful things in my life, and has now given me the blessing of being able to see them.

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