Friday, January 29, 2010

I wish I were a michanic, but I don't like to be dirty . . . or dirrty

my poor poor car is broken. We took it to one machanic, he said it would be boo koo bucks to fix it, and we took it some where else for a second oppinion, and aalthough it would have been $500 less, it would still be boo koo bucks ($1,000) to fix it. So Matt and I are pulling a Matt and Heather. :P
We are sharring one car.
Since I have my student ID, I get to ride the bus for free, and it isn't too bad, plus, it is free so I do that sometimes. But when Matt can, he gives me rides.
My poor car though! I ve had it since 17! Poor baby.
Kinda stinks relying on having another person drive you around, but it works, so I can't complain.

Afterthought: Why do all mechanics have pictures of naked girls hanging up all over? Seriously, is working on cars all day not macho enough for you?! You have to have chick pics up so people will view you as a sexually endowed member of our soceity?

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